发现新视野:Pimcore平台版本2024.2 Released!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
Pimcore平台2024.2 Release

The digital transformation landscape has taken another significant leap forward with the release of Pimcore Platform version 2024.2. The latest iteration of the open-source data and experience management Pimcore platform introduces many new features and improvements aimed at empowering businesses to manage their digital assets, 产品信息, 以及更有效的客户体验.

With the new addition of Pimcore副驾驶员 and some core improvements, the latest Pimcore 2024.2 is all set to make it easier for businesses to manage their complex data processes seamlessly and drive overall growth.


The Pimcore副驾驶员 helps content creators to create content across different platforms despite various intricacies. Its advanced automation system helps curate content perfectly and saves time to meet desired requirements of diverse channels. It not only reduces time to market but also ensures the quality of delivered data to maintain the brand’s voice.


Pimcore平台版本2024.2 has come up with AI Image-to-Image Action for Pimcore副驾驶员, 哪些可以提高视觉内容的质量. Now it is possible for businesses to increase image resolution without harming its quality. 让我们来了解一下这个过程:

  • The AI tool magnifies images without disturbing their sharpness and minimizes pixelation.
  • It applies the upscaling action on multiple images together and streamlines the visuals for diverse marketing channels.
  • The image upscaling happens in the existing workflows, with no disruption in established processes.
  • Since upscaled images preserve their uniqueness and information, businesses can serve to variety of publishing requirements for web, mobile, 打印通道.

The upscaled images are required mainly for some specific processes such as:

  • The images are suitable for ecommerce platforms where higher-resolution images are needed for sales purposes.
  • Older images with low resolution will become good to preserve for future requirements once they are upscaled.
  • Social media platforms have their unique specifications for images. Upscaled images can be uploaded on these platforms without manual resizing.
  • These images can be used for large-format media like banners and posters, 保持其原有的美学.

Pimcore副驾驶员 is equipped with this AI model to modify images using predefined or custom prompts. Thus, designers and content creators can adjust images or make required alterations directly in their workflow. 提示是结构化的和可定制的, giving content creators full control over image adjustments.

Image modification is required to change the style or color of the entire image or some object inside the image for marketing and design purposes.


简化数据管理流程, Pimcore查询语言(PQL), 这是Pimcore 2024的新增项目.2、是一种容易获得的编程技能. 它允许用户(开发者), designers, content creators) to filter data objects within their database and manage data effectively.

The Pimcore Query Language helps users specify filtering conditions within the interface to complete the task safely. The filtering results get automatically saved in the execution context so that they can be easily accessed and utilized.

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One of the key advantages of Pimcore Query Language is to select assets precisely and utilize them by filtering based on metadata conditions. If once metadata conditions are defined using PQL, it ensures secure and streamlined operation. The filtering results are automatically stored and are easy to access.

Assets filtering can be used for images with expired usage rights by notifying the concerned department to update or remove those assets. When organizations regularly filter out irrelevant or outdated images, 他们保持数字资产的质量.


To fulfil increasing digital business demands, Pimcore平台版本2024.2 has shipped along necessary core improvements that will enhance the overall platform performance.

The Pimcore ecosystem has a centralized job management feature known as Generic Execution Engine, 哪一个允许用户执行, monitor, 灵活管理运行时间较长的后台任务. Pimcore副驾驶员 is using the Generic Execution Engine to optimize its operations.

The upcoming Pimcore Studio will also use this feature for longer-running tasks like exports, batch updates, etc. 提高平台的效率. 增强Pimcore网站的可访问性 Pimcore All in One无障碍 among people with hearing or vision impairments, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems.

In a nutshell,

Pimcore平台版本2024.2 marks a significant milestone in the journey of digital transformation. 具有先进的数据管理功能, 改善用户体验, 增强的集成特性, the new version is set to empower businesses to achieve greater efficiency, scalability, 以及客户满意度.

随着数字环境的不断发展, Pimcore is regularly setting benchmarks by providing innovative solutions that drive business success. Pimcore 2024.2 offers the tools and capabilities to support every digital transformation journey, 无论是小型企业还是大型企业.

作为公认的 Pimcore的白银合伙人, we provide comprehensive Pimcore development services including PIM, DAM, CMS, design, multi-channel-ecommerce, integration, maintenance, 并支持满足不同客户的需求. 在天网科技, 我们服务的客户范围很广, including SMEs, 大型企业, 国际组织, 以及网络开发机构. Our 认证的Pimcore开发团队 实现个性化品牌体验, 实时客户参与, omnichannel启用, 和更多到您的Pimcore网站或应用程序. 欲了解更多信息,请pg电子官网 (电子邮件保护).